How to sell in 1 minute – workshop about elevator pitch!
In every business you need to sell. And to be able to success you need to sell well. In today´s busy world selling is about catching client´s attention. First seconds are important. That is why we need to practice our elevator speech and remember also to whom you are talking to.
Even if you work is not related directly to sales, do not ignore the fact that in working life you need to sell everyday something. It may be selling your ideas to boss, pitching about better salary to your team or new work opportunity for your workers. Situation may occur when you least expect it, so you need to be prepared to put key ideas in short presentation in interesting way – just in 30 seconds.
Professional sales person can sell you their business’s key message in few phrases. They make it look easy, but when you try to put all information in few phrases… that is when you notice that you need to practice!
We practiced our elevator pitch together with Johanna Pesonen, Comercial Director from Noccela. Noccela is Finnish Hi-Tech company with innovative solutions for product proteccion system.
Johanna has been pitching about their business all over the Europe in bigger and then even bigger companies. According her own words – some speeches were bad and some good. Luckily the good ones were for the most important companies.
We had elevator pitch workshop in SmartWorkPlaza and here few ideas to start building your own pitch:
Notice the difference between generations
You will have different pitches. It is not same speech you give for 60 years old CEO than you pitch to get attention for you business from 25 years old product developer. You need to remember that the younger generation is used to very fast communication. They get bored easily.
Attention in 3 seconds
That does mean that the most interesting point of the speech should be in the beginning. If you save the highlight to last paragraph – you have probably already lost your client.
Core message
Leave the useless words and get to the point. To be able to do it you need to truly understand your product and company idea.
Why would you buy?
You should put yourself in the shoes of the buyer. Image what you would buy and make speech to answer on the questions that buyer would like to know. Remember also that everyone is looking for answer for their problems. If your speech can answer for question: “What there is for me? “ You are on right track!